The International Crimes Division (ICD) is conducting a weeklong outreach program in relation to the Jamil Mukulu case in Jinja and Mbale where they are engaging different stakeholders. The Court's first stopover was in Jinja, where it engaged the district leadership and representatives of criminal justice institutions.
After the pretrial of Mr. Mukulu, the Court needed more Information from the community and the public, according to the head of the ICD, Hon. Justice David K. Wangutusi.
He said that is the reason the Court has set out to go out to some of the areas where the Allied Democratic Forces is said to have tortured and killed people, so it can reassure the victims and witnesses to ensure that they can attend court.
Mr. Mukulu is facing multiple charges at the court including terrorism, professing to belong to a terrorist organization and soliciting people to join terrorist organizations.
Addressing stakeholders, Hon. Justice Wangutusi said the program was a platform for dialogue between the court and witnesses of the atrocities.
"This is not a trial but we are here to build a relationship with the people who witnessed and were affected by the atrocities so that when you come to court you can testify freely and drive away the stigma and fear."
He said that the Court were also open to suggestions on how the matter should be handled. The stakeholders were equally assured that the Court would give witnesses protection.
Mr Allan Nshimye, one of the victims' counsel thanked the Judges for spearheading the outreach programme saying that it will boost public confidence in the Court.
He urged the stakeholders to encourage victims (if they knew any) to participate in the Court process.
Ms Margret Ajok, the Transitional Justice Advisor at the Justice Law and Order Sector Secretariat, said there was need to fast track to address gaps in transitional justice such as witness protection. She called for traditional methods of handling conflict such as telling the truth, serving the punishment of the wrong done, spiritual cleansing as well as engaging victims to find what can be done.
She encouraged the Court to use reconciliation, amnesty and reparations while handling cases of this nature.
The Resident District Commissioner shared how some children were duped to join Mr Mukulu's rebel outfit group on the pretext that they would get scholarships.
He narrated how in 2001, Mr Mukulu and the ADF rebels attacked Kibaale District, killed people and destroyed property.
The RDC added that the ADF was still there and active whomever they have tried to kick them out.
During the question and answer session, moderated by ICD Assistant Registrar, HW Stella Beatrice Atingu, the participants posed several questions, which were answered by the Judicial Officers, Defense Counsel and the Transitional Justice Advisor.
Hon. Justice Wangutusi emphasized that the courts will ensure that justice is served for both the victims and the accused person.
The District Police Commander applauded the Court for carrying out such an activity and committed himself to bringing victims when needed.
Hon. Lady Justice Jane Kiggundu thanked HW Atingu for organizing the outreach that will be held out in other districts where the conflict happened.
Posted 5th, August 2020